Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Cultural Study Of Childbirth In Rural Mexico Essays - Midwifery

A Cultural Study Of Childbirth In Rural Mexico Essays - Midwifery A Cultural Study of Childbirth in Rural Mexico Outline I. make up of a typical home A. living arrangements B. layout of the home II. starting a family A. new home B. becoming pregnant III. child birth A. midwife B. birth setting C. prenatal care D. birth of the child E. postpartum IV. conclusions The rural Mexican culture is made up of many small towns and villages. The social connections among adults in theses areas are relatively intimate because many of these areas are endoga mous communities. Most newly married couples live with the man's parents until they are financially stable enough to purchase land of their own to build on. Though it is less common the couple may decide to live with the wife's parents if the mother and daughter-in-law don't get along (Kay, 1991, p. 367). A typical mexican home or compound as they are commonly called. Consists of the family's private living space, which is likely to be set back from the road. Generally the compound is enclosed by a stone wall and contains several structures. There is the main house which might be a modern type, built of stone and have a metal roof, or the traditional wattle and daub walls with a steep palm-thatched roof. Either way, it is likely to be a one-room house. The traditional house is oval, has a floor of pressed dirt or tile, and two doors but no windows. Inside the windowless house, daylight filters in though the palm thatching. At night a single electric bulb provides light. Also at night, several hammocks are let down from the rafters and the house serves as the family's sleeping quarters. In every compound there is also a separate cooking hut with an open fire. Near the well there will be a raised trough covered, by a palm-thatched roof, for the daily clothes-washing. ! Sometimes there is a small bath house built of sticks interwoven with palm leaves, in which house hold members take their daily baths. The most striking thing about life in the compound is the extent to which various activities inter mingle. The whole compound constitutes an extended living area where there is little or no individual private space (Spielman, 1993). Typically rural mexicans believe that conceptions occurs immediately after a menstrual period. This idea is based on the notion that the uterus opens to release the blood that has been dripping in during the preceding weeks. After the menstrual flow has stopped the uterus is believed to remain open, it is during this time that women it most likely for them to get pregnant (Jordan, 1993, p. 18). Pregnancies are almost exclusively dealt with by midwifes. The first prenatal visit is somewhat special. At this time the pregnant woman and the midwife determine the probable date of birth: nine calendar months from the day following the completion of the woman's last menstrual period. Massage is an integral part of the midwifes skills. If the midwife has determined, in the course of the massage, that the baby is in a breech or trans verse position, she will do an inversion. She locates the baby's head and hip and by applying strong, even pressure to these parts, shifts the baby's body into the more favorable head-down position. The procedure is sometimes painful but since the alternative is a Caesarean section in the capital, the women much prefer to tolerate a few minutes of discomfort. The midwife will do a version as often as necessary from the eight month on, up to the time of birth. She attempts to avoid a breech birth if at all possible and is an expert at tur! ning the baby even when the woman is in labor, as long as the breech is not yet engaged (Jordan, 1993, pp. 21-22). Birth generally takes place in the home but for the birth of a first child it may take place in the mother's parent's home. After the onset of labor women continue doing house hold tasks until the labor intensifies to the point that it is no longer possible to finish what they are doing (Jordan, 1993, pp. 23-24). The father of the child is expected to be present

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Converting Ounces to Grams

Converting Ounces to Grams This worked example problem demonstrates how to convert ounces to grams. This is a common type of mass unit conversion problem. One of the most common practical reasons to know how to do this conversion is for recipes, so lets start with a food example: Ounces To Grams Problem A chocolate bar weighs 12 ounces. What is its weight in grams? Solution One of the easiest ways to solve this problem is to use the pound to kilogram conversion. If you like in a country where both units are used, this is a useful conversion to know. Start by converting ounces into pounds. Then convert the pounds into kilograms. All that remains is to move the decimal point three places to the right to convert kilograms into grams. Here are the conversions you need to know:16 oz 1 lb1 kg 2.2 lbs1000 g 1 kgYou are solving for x numbers of grams. First, convert ounces into pounds. The next part of the solution converts pounds to kilograms, while the final section converts kilograms to grams. Note how units cancel each other out, so all you are left with is grams. x g 12 ozx g 12 oz x (1 lb/16 oz) x (1 kg/2.2 lb) x (1000 g/1 kg)x g 340.1 g Answer The 12 oz chocolate bar weighs 340.1 g.